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Social responsibility

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Binders is a professional road construction company working for implementation of business and entrepreneurship purposes, but it also recognizes the effects of its activities on the public in general and its interests. The private business company Binders strives to be socially responsible in both decisions and operation. Environment, society, market of the sector, and place of work – these are the main environments influencing activities of the company where the interests of entrepreneurship and business come into contact and interact with those of the public. The company is aware that understanding of corporate social responsibility should be perfected continuously.


Binders is working according to the international environmental management standard ISO 14001:2015. The company recognizes the eventual damage of road construction, reconstruction and asphalt and concrete production to environment and is strictly abiding to all guidelines of the international standard. Compliance with the environmental requirements and effective use of resources is constantly monitored and improved to the extent of economic abilities.


Employees of the company, cooperation partners, subcontractors, customers and the society in its broadest sense are those categories which are directly or indirectly affected by activities of the company.

Binders is implementing the assistance policy according to the defined assistance priorities: social projects, culture, sports.


The company Binders is supporting and implementing in its activities the principles of fair competition, it is honestly performing all obligations towards the state.

Place of work

Binders recognises and performs all obligations and duties with respect to the employees, the company staff. One of the priorities of the company is safety and health of the employees, therefore implementation of labour protection activities and various motivating working environment events are a priority of the company.