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Home / Spheres of business / Geodesy / Activity

The company’s Geodesy department carries out all the necessary geodetic works during the road construction process. It satisfies the company’s needs and provides outsourcing services:

  • setting of construction axes;
  • acts drafting on the inspection of the construction sites;
  •  levelling works;
  • engineering construction monitoring;
  • topographic surveying;
  • preparation of additional measurements of engineering networks (water pipes, sewerage, gas, electric networks, low-voltage networks);
  • ground works calculations (for quarry development, for road construction, digging the foundation pits);
  • 3D surface modelling for road and site construction with 3D machine control systems;
  • aerophotography with an unmanned aircraft Phantom 4 (for engineering investigations of transport infrastructure facilities, open pit monitoring, etc.);
  • orthophoto mapmaking.